Debt Collection Scam Alert
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Exercise caution regarding debt collection scams. If you receive emails or calls claiming that you have an unpaid loan, take it seriously as it may be a fraudulent attempt to obtain money from you. Typically, these emails or calls demand payment for a settlement amount against your unpaid loan, or else threaten legal action.

Do not worry, as we are a responsible lender and can help you navigate this deceitful situation. If you receive suspicious calls or emails, take note of the sender’s name, address, and company, and report it immediately to our customer care service at Additionally, follow these precautions to avoid falling prey to these cyber threats:

  • Do not disclose any personal information, such as your SSN or bank details, if asked for in an email or call.
  • Do not fill out any forms provided in such emails or respond to them in any way.
  • Ensure that your spam filter is turned on.
  • Check your bank account frequently for any unauthorized transactions after receiving such calls or emails.

To view examples of debt collection scam emails, click on the provided link.

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